The price of the taxi ride depends on the waiting time, the travelled distance, the time spent on the trip and the number of passengers. The fares that are listed below will be in force from 1.7.2018 onwards.
You can pay by cash or with most bank or credit cards. If you wish to receive an invoice, this always needs to be agreed on beforehand.
Booking charges:
1,59 € / phone call + 0,99 € / min + local network charge / mobile phone charge
Base fee
Base fee
6,40 €
Weekdays monday-friday 6.00-20.00 o´clockSaturdays 6.00-16.00 o´clock
Base fee
Other times9,50 €
Travel fee
Fare 1 | 1-4 persons
1,45 €
per km + 1,00 €/minFare 2 | 5-8 persons
2,23 €
per km + 1,00 €/minOther fares
Goods transport surcharge
3,70 €
We will charge for large objects and dogs (not for normal luggage, guide dogs, wheelchairs or walkers).Assistance surcharge
17,50 €
There will be a charge, if the customer needs assistance in getting into the car at the pick-up place or back inside from the car and if the transportation requires a car, which fulfils the demands regarding accessibility stated in the Transport Services Act.Assistance with stair climber
35,00 €
There will be a charge, if the customer needs assistance as described in the assistance fee and needs to be carried, or a CE marked stair climber needs to be used in the inside or outside stairs of a building.Stretcher surcharge
35,00 €
There will be a charge, if the customer is assisted on a stretcher and the transportation requires using a stretcher taxi (picking up the stretcher and installing it in the car before the actual transportation).Waiting fare
Waiting fare
60,00 €
per hourWe will charge for the waiting period,
if the driver needs to wait for the customer
at the pick-up address.
Base fee
Base fee
9,00 €
Fare 1 | 1-4 persons
1,70 €
per kmFare 2 | yli 4 persons
2,35 €
per kmOther fares
Goods transport surcharge
5,00 €
We will charge for large objects and dogs (not for normal luggage, guide dogs, wheelchairs or walkers).Assistance surcharge
15,69 €
There will be a charge, if the customer needs assistance in getting into the car at the pick-up place or back inside from the car and if the transportation requires a car, which fulfils the demands regarding accessibility stated in the Transport Services Act.Assistance with stair climber
30,08 €
There will be a charge, if the customer needs assistance as described in the assistance fee and needs to be carried, or a CE marked stair climber needs to be used in the inside or outside stairs of a building.Strecher surcharge
30,08 €
There will be a charge, if the customer is assisted on a stretcher and the transportation requires using a stretcher taxi (picking up the stretcher and installing it in the car before the actual transportation).Waiting fare
Waiting fare
max.47,00 €
per hourWe will charge for the waiting period,
if the driver needs to wait for the
customer at the pick-up address.