Booking a taxi

Here you can find instructions for booking a taxi. When you mention your special requests while booking a taxi, we will know exactly which taxi to send to you.


Order a taxi conveniently from the same number from all over Kainuu: 0600 398 100

For large customers we also offer an opportunity for automatic booking. For more information, call 044 726 1155!

General thing
to remember

Please keep in mind that due to the current legislation, not even taxis can take on extra passengers – please always mention if your group consists of over 4 people! In addition to passenger and estate cars, minivans for 6-8 passengers are also available. Please mention if you are travelling with animals or large objects, so that our agents know exactly which taxi to send.


Passenger and estate cars can hold 4 passengers. If you are travelling with a larger group, please mention the size of your group when booking, so that we know when to send a minivan or a suitable amount of reasonably sized cars.

Taxis for
the disabled

Our versatile taxi fleet and helpful personnel will guarantee a successful trip also for people with reduced mobility. Order a taxi conveniently from the same number from all over Kainuu: 0600 398 100 + local network charge.


You can book in advance using the booking number of your own municipality. Booking in advance means you can order a taxi in advance at the time that you wish. We do not charge extra for booking in advance!

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1,59 € / phone call + 0,99 € / min + local network charge / mobile phone charge

See below for a more detailed service price list.

Go to the price list


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